Web 2.0 is about turning the internet into a user-friendly, practical, applicable even necessary tool. It involves applications (tools) that make life easier and simpler. One of these applications is Dropbox.
I downloaded and installed Dropbox onto my computer. I love it! I can access my files from anywhere! I used to e-mail myself documents so that I could access them at school computers when I didn't have my laptop on me. Google Docs allows me to do this more easily, but Dropbox is even easier and more convenient than Google Docs. When I save any file I just need to save it to my dropbox and I can access it anywhere. I can even share my dropbox files and folders with family and friends.
This application will make teaching easier. I will be more prepared because I will be able to access my files from any computer (my classroom, the school library, my laptop). I could put student projects in my folder and e-mail parents the link to the files in my dropbox so they can see what their students are learning. I can easily share files with my coworkers too!
Here's some links about Dropbox if you want to learn more (I know you do):
That tutorial embedded in the all-teachers blog is terrific. Thanks for sharing.